About Peace Pilgrim
Mildred Lisette Norman was born on July 18, 1908 and grew up on a poultry farm in New Jersey. After living a seemingly traditional life, Mildred felt called to a greater purpose. Her first step towards self-actualisation was hiking the entire Appalachian Trail in one season. The first woman to do so. After this excursion, she felt ready to transition into the true purpose of her life to "remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until given food." Subsequently, Mildred relinquished her name and possessions before taking her first step as her new identity, Peace Pilgrim, in the Rose Bowl Parade on Jan. 1, 1953. For the next 28 years, she walked across North America in her pilgrimage for peace. Over these years she walked over 25,000 miles spreading her belief that world peace was possible through 10 simple steps.
Steps Toward Inner Peace
To inspire others to find peace, Peace Pilgrim wrote this simple guide for inner peace: Steps Toward Inner Peace. A booklet is included with each Peace Pilgrim & Co. purchase!
1. Assume right attitude toward life
2. Live good beliefs.
3. Find your place in the Life Pattern.
4. Simplify life to bring inner and outer well-being into harmony.
1. Purification of the bodily temple.
2. Purification of the thoughts.
3. Purification of the desires.
4. Purification of motives.
1. Relinquishment of self-will.
2. Relinquishment of the feeling of separateness.
3. Relinquishment of attachments.
4. Relinquishment of all negative feelings.
"The key word for our time is practice. We have all the light we need, we just need to put it into practice." -Peace Pilgrim
Download the PDF summary here.
For more information on Peace Pilgrim's story and mission, visit PeacePilgrim.org