Our brand's mission is to spread Peace Pilgrim’s message of world peace. Purchase a shirt today and become a peace pilgrim in your community. Each purchase includes a Steps to Inner Peace booklet written by Peace Pilgrim. This quick and easy read can jumpstart your journey towards peace. #iampeacepilgrim
"This is the way of peace: overcome evil with good, and falsehood with truth, and hatred with love."
-Peace Pilgrim
About Peace Pilgrim
Born Mildred Lisette Norman, Peace Pilgrim grew up on a poultry farm in New Jersey. After seemingly traditional life, she felt she had a greater purpose. She pursued a deeper connection to her soul by hiking the entire Appalachian Trail and hiked the entire trail in one season! First woman to do too too! After this excursion, she felt better prepared to transition into her pilgrimage and committed to "remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until given food." Subsequently, Mildred relinquished her name and possessions before taking her first step as her new identity, Peace Pilgrim, in the Rose Bowl Parade on Jan. 1, 1953. For the next 28 years, she walked across North America in her pursuit for peace. She walked over 25,000 miles spreading her belief that world peace was possible through simple life adjustments that she wrote into a small booklet called “Steps to Inner Peace.”